

  1. YouTube - o 480p
    The prelude videos are available at 480p. From b, the videos are available in high definition quality (720p); except o, which is the only video available up to 480p, like the prelude videos. However this may be because o is a full version of prelude which was uploaded in 480p.
  1. Yangle
    The angle at which the arrow in y is placed and the angle at which it is shown in the tree with the axe is different.
  2. Ycopyandpaste
    The editor copy and pastes the side of y in the forest so the video fits the screen size to match the corresponding material.
  3. The editor copy and pastes the part of the walls and the floor of y in the room where the man is hung above the pot so the video fits the screen size to match the corresponding material.
idle talk

The videos from kin are available at 1080p, but idle talk is the only video available to a maximum 720p.


Iamamiwhoami; u

The the artwork for the remixes of u-1 and u-2, by The Blacksmoke Organisation and by Khonnor say "Iamamiwhoami", unlike all the other covers that say "iamamiwhoami".

By Tele Tele

Although, the remixes have been released with the syntax "song by remixer", the artwork says "remixer remix". Except the remix of t, that says "T by Tele Tele".
